New York City Recap; Dale and Thomas Popcorn

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Before heading to catch our Broadway show we were walking around Times Square when the distinct aroma of popcorn took us captive. We had just passed Dale and Thomas Popcorn, a gourmet popcorn shop.

For a few bucks you can get a bag of uniquely flavored popcorn. Our pick was peanut butter white chocolate drizzle. I admit that I had low expectations for this food from the beginning, but one handful of the stuff and I was convinced. This was some good popcorn!

The flavor reminded me of Christmas time, probably because that is when most people have flavored popcorn like this. Some of the other flavors Dale and Thomas Popcorn offers include Cookies n' cream, north country cheddar, backyard BBQ, Dale's caramel and more. If the other flavors are as rich as the peanut butter and white chocolate drizzle, then you would be in for a treat!

If you go to the shop in person only a handful of the flavors will be available on any given day. You can get the popcorn delivered though by visiting their website.

If you walk in to their store and can't make up your mind then just ask for a free sample of any flavor (or flavors) you wish.

Tomorrow: New York City - The New Chocolate Town USA?

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