Day-late Veteran's Day post

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yesterday was Veteran's Day and I never posted anything in honor of those who served. I apologize for that.

But a number of people did post some good stuff yesterday. Naturally I found the most interesting content from Geeding over at (boasting a new design by the way). In one post he shared a number of heart warming videos of soldiers returning home. We always see the videos of men and women returning to their spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, parents and siblings and it is bound to give you a good feeling in your heart.

But what about the family dog? How do they react? I honestly found some of these videos to be so much more touching and wanted to share one with you here.

To those who have served or are currently serving, I thank you for your dedication and service to this country that I love. Happy (belated) Veterans Day to you all.

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