Photos: Camping, Woodstock, and Cooperstown - Woodstock Edition

Thursday, August 20, 2009

No. Not that Woodstock!

Today's installment of selected photos from our weekend trip up state and to New York brings us to the site of Woodstock. The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts celebrated the 40th anniversary of the rock festival that would change the music world forever last weekend.

It really was a sight to see and to think back on the thousands and thousands of people who made the pilgrimage for the three day festival that finished on the fourth day. If you get the chance to make your way up there be sure to walk through the museum for a lot of interactive exhibits and displays and a wealth of Woodstock memorabilia and other items.

This "monument" is found at the bottom of the hill at the site of Woodstock.
As you can see, some people leave their own mementos to pay homage to Woodstock

This is the field where Woodstock took place
The area on the left not covered in grass is where the stage was set up.
Now picture thousands of people packing the hill side.

This is farm of Max Yasgur, the farmer who allowed
Woodstock to take place on his property

This bike was created by Orange County Choppers and
was on display in the John Lennon exhibit at the museum


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