My Lost Podcast answers

Friday, January 25, 2008

Here we are less than a week away form the new season of Lost. Stef informed me of this contest that a Lost podcast holds. Before each season begins there is a list of questions and you guess the answers. At the end of the season, whoever has the most correct answers wins some sort of prize. So here we go. If you want you can copy the questions down and e-mail them to if you want. Good luck!

1. Will we find out who is in the coffin? No.
2. Will we find out who Kate had to get back to? No.
3. How many episodes will it take before Locke blows something up? Won't happen.
4. Will Jack kill anyone during season four? No.
5. Will Hurley have a flash forward or flashback in season four? Yes.
6. How many episodes will Danielle appear in? Three.
7. Will Kate kiss anyone other than Sawyer or Jack? No.
8. Who will be the first one Sawyer gives a nickname to?
9. Will Juliet and Jack kiss? No.
10. How many episodes will Jin appear in? Eight (all of them).
11. Will we see the four-toed statue? No.
12. Is Kate pregnant? Yes.
13. Who will be the first person to talk to Michael? Walt.
14. Will Sawyer "do the dishes" with anyone that he hasn't done them with already? No.
15. Will Sun have a miscarriage? No.
16. Will we see Boone this season? Yes.
17. How many episodes will Hurley appear in? Eight (all of them)
18. Who will be the first survivor to die? Jin
19. Will Claire and Desmond get romantic? No.
20. Who will be the first person to talk to Walt? Michael.

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