Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector

Monday, January 14, 2008

I love Nintendo. I hate the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. Ever since getting it to connect my Wii to the internet it has been on again, off again as far as the connection's stability goes. I don't understand how the Wii and USB connector stop communicating, because each recognize that their Wi-Fi waves are in the air, they just sometimes refuse to communicate 100%. It's like Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens on the football field; they acknowledge each other, they just don't like each other.

Oh wait, T.O. has always had great relationships with his quarterbacks. Anyway...

Today I will start keeping track of how many days can go by before the Wii and USB Connector stop playing nice for me. Today is Day One.

This kid sums up my frustrations, although in a less mature style of course...

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