Catch Up on Lost
Friday, February 29, 2008
Last night's episode of Lost definitely threw you a curveball. Gots to love those Desmond episodes. What's going to happen next?
Rather than discuss any possible scenarios as to what happens, I thought now would be a good opportunity to catch up on my Lost podcast questions. Below are the questions and my responses. Anything in red is something that has been confirmed to be wrong. Anything in green has been confirmed to be correct. Anything in plain black has yet to be answered.
If you are still watching the previous episodes on DVD, then ignore the rest of this post.
1. Will we find out who is in the coffin? No.
2. Will we find out who Kate had to get back to? No. (confirmed by producers it was Aaron)
3. How many episodes will it take before Locke blows something up? Won't happen.
4. Will Jack kill anyone during season four? No.
5. Will Hurley have a flash forward or flashback in season four? Yes.
6. How many episodes will Danielle appear in? Three.
7. Will Kate kiss anyone other than Sawyer or Jack? No.
8. Who will be the first one Sawyer gives a nickname to? Jack.
9. Will Juliet and Jack kiss? No.
10. How many episodes will Jin appear in? Eight (all of them).
11. Will we see the four-toed statue? No.
12. Is Kate pregnant? Yes.
13. Who will be the first person to talk to Michael? Walt.
14. Will Sawyer "do the dishes" with anyone that he hasn't done them with already? No.
15. Will Sun have a miscarriage? No.
16. Will we see Boone this season? Yes.
17. How many episodes will Hurley appear in? Eight (all of them)
18. Who will be the first survivor to die? Jin
19. Will Claire and Desmond get romantic? No.
20. Who will be the first person to talk to Walt? Michael.
I'm not doing all that well.
Maybe with next week's episode I'll put together another Open Thread for any Lost fans out there. Stay tuned. Read more...