Barack Obama

Monday, February 04, 2008

I have made my decision and it is to support Barack Obama for president in 2008.

I agree with Mike's opinion that you should get educated and involved with this year's presidential election no matter who you support. Find the candidate that is right for you and cast your vote. This is the most important presidential election I believe I will have voted for, although this is only my third presidential election I can vote in. Wow. Three already for me? Is that right?

Anyway, on Super Bowl Sunday I traveled down to Wilmington with Stef and Sarah for a rally for Democratic candidate Barack Obama. I had already stated I was leaning towards Obama before going to the rally, and after attending the rally I believe I am sold. I won't push my political views on anybody, hence this will be the last time I jot down my endorsement of Obama in my blog. The more important issue in my mind is that people voice their opinions, whatever they are. I encourage everyone to do what is best for them.

Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures at the rally and you can find them on my flickr account in a brand new set; Barack Obama Rally. Enjoy.

And how about the fact that some people put the Obama speech on YouTube already? It is not complete but below are the clips (in order).

Also, maybe I like Obama because he reminds me of the greatest president ever to grace the fictional airwaves of television, David Palmer.

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