Project Updates

Friday, September 07, 2007

I was slacking on my Project 365 this week, but I caught up this morning before heading to work. Here are a couple shots...

...and you can check out the rest!

As for some of my other random projects going on there is not much to report.

Operation Free Wii - Everybody seems to think I'm participating in a pyramid scam or something because I have gotten little support. Jackie, who now lives in San Diego, is the only person that has signed up for it, but she hasn't completed any offers. Apparently I don't receive credit until my seven referrals complete their offers. So I still need six referrals, but seven referrals that need to complete offers. I'm holding out hope that somebody will find some free offers to help me out. They change them from time to time so maybe you will check it out!

The Great Scan Project
is going along slowly and surely. Since I started doing the project I have scanned 249 pictures and started sorting them by year and then sort by appropriate categories. I have college years broken down, and high school as well. I have even come across pictures form my Ireland, Germany, Austria, and AMA trips. None of the pictures are uploaded yet, but they won't be until everything is scanned and edited accordingly.

LOST - We are currently on disc five of season two. The group just figured out that "Henry Gale" is not rally Henry Gale. Jack and Kate also just found Michael in the jungle. I'm picking up season two of Prison Break on DVD this afternoon as well, which will probably have enough time to be watched before the season premiere.

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