Letter to Sports Illustrated

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I have been getting increasingly frustrated with the coverage Sports Illustrated allots to college football. In the "The Week in Sports" section of Sports Illustrated, there is one page given to college football. That is as much as the WNBA receives. Same with soccer. High school football? Try a page and a half!

I wrote Sports Illustrated, much like my grandmother might, to let them know I am displeased with their coverage selection. Here is what I wrote;

"I find it alarming that your issues only feature one page of college football coverage, but one and a half pages of high school football in the “The Week in Sports” section. I understand that high school football is huge in some regions but on a national scale isn’t college football more worthy of the extra coverage? Personally, my interest in high school football starts and ends with my former high school and their league. I can get plenty of coverage on that in my local paper.

Kevin McGuire
Souderton, PA"

We'll see what kind of response I get on this issue, if anything.

On the bright side, there was a nice feature article on Matt Schaub in this week's issue. Matt Schaub; Pride of West Chester East High School.

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