Rise of Nintendo

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I came across this video while browsing the Digital Press online forum. I have always loved the Nintendo company and I have practically spent a couple thousand dollars on Nintendo products in my life. No really, that stuff adds up (Spent $300 on the Gamecube and extras when it launched and sent $200 to my parents when they picked up my Super Nintendo when that launched...then there's the games, controllers, memory cards etc.)!

But how did Nintendo start out in this country? Of all things, I had no idea that Teddy Ruxpin would be a key player!

I never had a Teddy Ruxpin, but I did have a Nintendo.

EDIT: (8.29.07) I embedded the video now that I know there is a code to do so. Whoa. Three two letter words in a row that end in "o". Say those three words fast enough and you might have a Japanese puzzle game on your hands!

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