My #followfriday Recap

Friday, July 17, 2009

For those of you following me on Twitter you may (or may not have!) noticed that I flooded your stream with a number of suggestions for Follow Friday (#followfriday). I want to apologize but also want to provide you with a master list of sorts of my Follow Friday activity, in case you missed any today.

For those of you not familiar with Follow Friday on Twitter allow me to explain. Many Twitter users have started to designate a different topic for each day of the week. The most famous is Follow Friday, when users share their recommendations for who others should be following. Another example is Music Monday, when users share their favorite songs or artists with others.

Rather than just share Twitter handles for everyone to look up themselves, I like to try and personalize my Follow Friday tweets. I prefer to give people my reasoning for following somebody. For example, I like to tell people that these people are great Phillies bloggers, or these people make funny videos, or this person is my favorite comedian. Many people are more lazy than I am for Follow Friday and will send out a generic tweet that looks like this. Even worse is when somebody just re-tweets a Follow Friday, like this.

I believe that proper Twitter etiquette requires more information. To recap my tweets from Follow Friday I have broken them down by category.

Phillies Blogs

Phillies beat reporters
Philadelphia Athletes (Current and Former)
Penn State Bloggers
Official Penn State football related
Unofficial, and funny, Penn State football related
Video Game Related
And one random Follow Friday (I pick someone I follow at random)
  • @flocker - Official Twitter for my personal browser of choice, Flock

That pretty much sums up my Follow Friday activity from this morning. Stay tuned next week for my next edition of Follow Friday! Who knows, maybe I'll even mention you! Of course, you can follow me on Twitter as well.

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