Continental Midtown
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Last weekend Stef and I met up with Sarah and a group of people to celebrate Sarah's birthday and to properly celebrate her leaving for California for a year. For the occasion we all gathered at Continental Midtown in Philadelphia.
Located at the corner of Chestnut and 18th Street Continental offers both a relaxing open roof top bar atmosphere and a family style dining experience below. For dinner you are treated to a community style meal as each person can pick something off the menu and everyone picks from the plate what they want to eat, similar to Buco Di Beppo.
The food is not priced too badly but the variety of the food could be better. I recommend the Grilled Thai Chicken Skewers and the shoe string fries.As for drinks be sure to ask the bar tender or the waitress for the beer of the month. That's what I did and I wound up sipping down a Victory Beer Golden Monkey (pictured). I chose the Victory brew because earlier that day Victory did a Follow Friday of me earlier in the day. I figured I owed them. In the end I came away with a fond appreciation for the Golden Monkey.
For dessert I recommend the peanut butter cake, but you may get a kick out of the cotton candy.
Use the map below to get directions to Continental. If you get lost just look for the building with the big olive on the corner. You can't miss it.
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