Mario Monday - Super Mario All Stars
Monday, July 20, 2009
Today Mario Monday sort of takes a moment to reflect in essence as the featured game is Super Mario All Stars for the Super Nintendo.
The games included are:
- Super Mario Brothers
- Super Mario Brothers 2
- Super Mario Brothers 3
- Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels
Why else would somebody who had mastered Super Mario Brothers 3 want to pick up and play All Stars? For North America the answer was easy; to get their hands on the real Super Mario Brothers 2.
Until the release of Super Mario All Stars gamers in North America had only read about the controversy behind Super Mario Brothers 2, and only a small handful of images from the game had been shown on this side of the Pacific Ocean. Finally though Nintendo fans could dive into the one player Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels, given that name on the All Stars pack.
Let's take a look at the comparison between the original NES versions of the games and their SNES upgrades.
Super Mario Brothers 2
Super Mario Brothers 3
While most of the general game play in these games was true to its original games, many glitches were removed. Most notable among the bug fixes was the removal of the Minus level in the original Super Mario Brothers.
If you are looking for this game on the Wii's Virtual Console, you can likely forget about it. Nintendo has no plans to release this game as each game, in its original form, is already available for download on the service.