Memorial Day Baseball

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To cap off the Memorial Day weekend, Stef and I took advantage of a buy one get one ticket deal from the Phillies. As luck would have it Monday night's game was also dollar dog night, so a cheap night was definitely on hand with the defending World Series champions.

The Valley Forge Military Military Academy and College Regimental Band was on tap for pre game festivities honoring our nation's soldiers of past and present. The Phillie Phanatic made an appearance with his hot dog launcher. Both teams wore special red caps with an American flag pattern inside the lettering. From our seats though you could not tell the difference in the Phillies hats. The Marlins looked kind of funny with them on. The red was to honor the blood of our soldiers.

Raul Ibanez was honored before the game for his recent National League Player of the Week honors as well. It was supposed to be a memorable night for Phillies starter Jamie Moyer, who has been stuck on career victory 249 for a while now. Against a team he has dominated in his career, the Florida Marlins got the best of Moyer and tagged him with a loss rather than a milestone win. Wes Helms, of all Marlins players, hit a critical three run home run to give the Marlins the lead. Ryan Howard hit two home runs on the night, but that was about all the Phillies had to cheer about.

Below is a slide show of our photos from the Memorial Day game.

You can view the photo album here.

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