Flyers Playoff Coverage

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yes, my Flyers are down 0-3 to the cross state rival Penguins but that is not why I have been blogging about it. It has been a busy couple of days so please forgive me. But while many people seem to think the Flyers are dead (and afterall, who can blame those people), I'll let Jim Belushi speak for me...

LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, there's my personal favorite motivational movie clip of all time to get the juices flowing...


You can bet your bottom dollar that anytime the Phillies are losing heading into the bottom of the ninth inning, that one of these twqo clips is guaranteed to be shown on the Phanavision. And why not? They are both great. If I can dig up some more motivational videos for tomorrow's games I will.

Let's Go Flyers! It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

NOTE: Void that last statement if a Kate Smith rendition of God Bless AMerica is done tomorrow night!

Back to work!

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