King Tut Exhibit

Sunday, May 27, 2007

When I was younger my grand pop used to take me to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia numerous times. I always loved going and today, when I returned for the first time in at least a decade plus, I was pleased to see some of the same attractions still in tact. The airplane room, the train room and electricity room all had many of the things I fondly remembered. The IMAX theater is still as curved as ever and you can swear you're hanging above some of the people in the introduction video of Philadelphia. But today I came to see the King Tut exhibit.

Sadly, I can not provide any photos of the exhibit as photography was prohibited, but here are a couple other snapshots from the day trip down to Philadelphia, featuring my first ever train ride! I know, I'm sheltered I suppose.

It all started out when we ran into the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer at the Fortuna station waiting for the train.

You know all of the international flags on the Ben Franklin Parkway? Somehow Ryan Howard and Brett Myers found their way into the mix.

The PBS logo, looking up at the giant King Tut banners (below)

Part of the Sports Science and Health exhibit. I was at that game by the way.

Some random guy gave me his ticket for this ride for free. It's pretty scary up there!

On the way back to the train station to go home Stef and I had to do the tourist thing and get our picture taken here.

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