My Condolances Sopranos Fans

Friday, June 15, 2007

I don't know how many of you readers are fans of The Sopranos, HBO's top rated program that came to a shocking ending...sort of. I totally understand how you can be consumed by a television show and how you can look forward to that one hour of television programming an entire week. I have done much the same with 24 and (lately) Lost. I have only seen one episode of Sopranos (the pilot) and I must admit, if I had HBO I would probably watch it more often.

What Sopranos did to you this week with it's black out ending was, I believe, a disgrace. A show that consumes you so much owes you the legitimate ending to wrap it all up. If it is going to leave things out in the open, at least let it be known. Instead you got the cheap, sudden black out and silence approach, causing many to think their cable went out at the worst possible time. I would be mad too. In the eight years it was on, I have felt like I have watched the show because I hear so many people talk about it on the radio or on TV or out on the street. I don't know everything but I think I got the broad plot line down enough to understand the frustrations with the ending. You probably wanted to see Tony get whacked, or see how Tony and his family find their way into refuge. In any event, I feel your pain.

But there are many people still obsessing over the ending and looking for the hidden meanings to determine what "really" happened. I have heard numerous beliefs and philosophies as to what happened. Tony was whacked because he said earlier in the season that when you're shot you don't hear anything and all you get is plain black, or something like that. The audience was whacked. There was a parallel universe with two Tonys and the one wearing this shirt was killed and the one wearing this shirt was not. That is probably my favorite.

I've only seen the ending once, on the news, and I think I can tell you what happened. I think that Tony was sitting there, looked up, and the show ended abruptly.

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