Harry Potter Madness

Friday, July 20, 2007

Well I am fresh back from my cruise honeymoon in the Caribbean Sea and what else is there to do than get caught up in all of the Harry Potter hoopla this week?

We were away when the Harry Potter movie was released so we made sure to catch it the afternoon after we came back. I thought it was good, but I don't think I liked it as much as the last one (you'll have to excuse me as I don't have all of the names of the books and movies straight). From what I've been told the movie did leave a lot of stuff out, but as far as making a movie it seemed to flow well for me, the casual Harry Potter fan. I admit I haven't read all of the books, in fact I actually fell asleep reading the first installment, so I am only watching these movies for a sense of entertainment. Without having read the books I think I have a decent enough grasp of what's going on in the movies just fine. Having said that I definitely recommend either watching the previous movies or reading the preceding books before watching this movie, because when it starts it throws you right into the thick of the conflict between Harry and the name which not be spoken...or however they refer to Voldemort. I'm not even sure if I spelled that correctly! Again, Casual Potter fan.

As for the big event, the midnight release of the final chapters in the Harry Potter legacey, I will be there with Stef for it all. Stef has her copy reserved and we'll be there to pick it up, along with how many other nutty people are in the area, at the Borders in Montgomeryville. Check back here later this weekend to see what I thought, if you are interested.

Or don't, whatever. :^)

If you would like to see pictures from the cruise, check out my Flickr page for all of the pictures! There are 385 in all!

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