Introducing my next phone - Nexus One
Thursday, January 07, 2010
When my wife got a new phone recently (HTC Eris utilizing Android) I was instantly jealous. You see, I am not due for an upgrade for another six months so I have to wait a while until I can move to the next stage of cell phone usage. Now, I have no problems with my current phone, a Motorolla Adventure V750, but seeing how much my wife gets out of her new phone makes me eager for an upgrade.

Turns out I was right, although it was not quite what I had expected.
The Google phone, now given a name of Nexus One, may be just the phone I will be waiting for.
The Nexus One will be available to Verizon users in spring and will be available to T-Mobile users immediately. This is proof that Google is set out to compete head to head with the iPhone as it is the first time a phone of this nature will be available on two competing providers so early in its release. When comparing networks PC Magazine predicts that the Nexus One will overtake the popular Droid once it becomes available on Verizon's network.
I also like the news that the Nexus One will support Flash. When it comes to web surfing the ability to view Flash content is almost a necessity. More importantly, it is something not supported by the Apple iPhone right now as Apple and Adobe have an ongoing stalemate that ultimately keeps iPhone users from experiencing web browsing the way it is largely intended.
I have no doubt that the Nexus One will be successful. Nick Bilton of the New York Times claims that the Nexus One will be successful largely due to its prime advertising space right on Google's simple front page. I can't argue with that belief and I am sure it certainly won't hurt sales for Google. But take a look at Google's history. When was the last time they did anything that was not a success?
Web search? Check.
Digital photo online storage and editing? Check.
Maps? Check. Check. Check. Check!
E-Mail? Check. Second check pending.
Google is really coming on strong as a viable competitor in a number of various markets. Now they take on the cell phone market. Next up? Operating system.
Will the Nexus One be an iPhone killer? Probably not because of the large iPhone user base and loyal Apple users. But the Nexus One does appear to be the kind of phone that could sway people away from the trendy iPhone, at least while it is available solely on the AT&T network. Being a Verizon customer I have fixated my eyes on the Nexus One as my next phone.
In six months it will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.