@TeamLou23 (Lou Williams) blocked me on Twitter, @ShawnAndrews73 and @krmcguire are still cool
Friday, December 04, 2009
On Wednesday Sixers guard Lou Williams used his Twitter account (@TeamLou23) to let off some pent up emotions against certain people who were sharing information from his Twitter account on a national outlet. Williams, who underwent surgery recently to repair a broken jaw, was upset that a photo he had posted on Twitter of his jaw had been used on ESPN, if I have the story correct. Perhaps there were other outlets who used his tweeted photo.
Upset that his personal Twitter information had been broadcast to the world without his permission Williams had this to day to his Twitter followers, directed toward his abusers...Ok, that is fair enough in some regard Williams, but please do not try telling me that you think anything that you openly post on Twitter is private, because it is not. Sure, you can protect your tweets so that you can select who can and can not see your tweets. This in fact is the best way to go for many people. But if you are going to leave your Twitter profile open for all to view you know that your info is fair game. Consider it like the Freedom of Information Act.
Again, fair enough. Williams followed the previous tweet with the one pictured above. It is Williams' right to block whoever he wishes. The message was sent. Don't tick off the injured Sixers guard.
Meanwhile another Philadelphia athlete currently off the roster due to injury, Shawn Andrews (@ShawnAndrews73) of the Eagles, had sent out a similar message to those who were bad mouthing him...For the record, I do not feel it is appropriate for Twitter users to abuse celebrities, athletes or common every day people on Twitter. I view Twitter as a valuable social networking tool and am proud of the contacts I have gathered in my time on the micro blogging service. I try to engage conversation more so than advertise my writing and I enjoy checking up with the local athletes in town and see what they are talking about (even if I don't have a clue what DeSean Jackson (@deseanjackson10) is saying half the time). After reading the tweets from the seemingly disgruntled and injured Sixers guard and the Eagles guard who had recently had a back surgery, I tweeted the following in an effort to support both...
Andrews, as he typically does, responded in kind to my tweet. Williams was a different story. Soon after tweeting those words of encouragement I received this reply from Williams...
Just like that the young Sixers guard blocked me from his Twitter account, prohibiting me from checking out his latest messages and links to his UStream channel.
Ouch Lou. Ouch.
I am not angry so I do not want this to come across as a rant against Williams. I will remain a fan of the Sixers just like I was before. I wish no ill-will to the guard and I will still root for him because I like him on the court. Instead I get a good laugh out of this whole stream of events and I felt like sharing it with you.
So in closing let me ask you this. What athlete is your favorite to follow on Twitter? Who is the most annoying? Have you been blocked by Williams?